Membership Benefits

Brokers Authority is a trusted service provider for Crypto and Blockchain dispute resolutions from 2013.

Our site is a hub for more than 30 brokers, exchanges, and partners who are striving to provide high-quality business practices.

Increase trust and assurance to the services

Boost customer confidence and protect clients interests

Fast and unbiased dispute resolution

Benefits you get by joining the Brokers Authority:

Control the quality of trade executions for all clients

Reputation improvement

Get professional committee help

To help members improve the quality of service for customers, the Brokers Authority offers “Value-added” services in partnership with some of the best service providers in the industry:

VerifyMyTrade execution certification

Broker Pilot for easy deal management

GetId for KYC and onboarding process

Increase trust and assurance to the services

Advanced Markets for smooth brokerage solutions

Tradefora for trade execution analytics

To find out details and pricing on our added services, please visit our Value-added Services page.